12:35pm 4/17/23 what does self-love mean to me – LMA Th.P.2.2
12:36pm – self-love is everything to me. IT is the most important factor to my existence because when I discovered and truly felt self-love I realized that I was more capable of giving even more to others while at the same time not draining myself dry. 12:37pm
2:22pm – self-love is everything because when you are genuinely in a self-loving state you become selfless without loosing yourself. 2:22pm
2:54pm – what does self-love mean to me? This is something has I have asked myself often as I try to express the words within my head that seem to be so abundant in nature that if I don't stay in tune with my truth…that knowledge and all I desire to share can become overwhelming and then I just stop…and pause to catch my breath and realign with the truth within. 2:56pm
This post is kind of going to be all over the place 2:57pm as I write from my heart in a pure flow form…like I do when I am typing just for myself and commune with the Divine. No preschedule organization, just free flowing expression of love and thoughts. 2:58pm
A few days ago…actually, on 4/15/23, I received a very clear message from within that it was time for me to accept the value of what I have to share, especially my words, and be courageous to just share what I feel led like I did before my grandma died last summer 3pm. As I write this...I keep getting chime after chime after chime after chime on my phone..i take that as a synchronicity…on high and repeat. I appreciate the confirmation 3:02pm
4/18/23 9:54am – What does self-love mean to me? It’s everything.
The term, Self-love, has been thrown around while being caught up in the trend of what is “cool” now…and don't get me wrong, self-love is cool. But it is also an intimate and personal experience that one experiences with self and doesn't go out of style ever.
I have been grappling with writing because well one of my grandmas died and I felt her magic and continue to feel it but I stopped writing when she did…idk I just started thinking that my posts or expressions on a regular basis weren’t that important given the grander scheme of things. but I love writing and I think it was that situation oooo and an eagle just flew by the window..i think it was that situation that caused me to find myself again and remember why I write and express myself…and the simple answer is because I love it. I love talking to people..i love expressing my perspectives, I love sharing my wisdom, I love having the freedom to do so. and her transition helped me remember that before getting sucked into the nonsense of what doesn't align with PURE unconditional love.
Unconditional love is the heart of it all. love is only unconditional love and if it is conditional it isn’t love. and that is in regards to self and others. 10:01am Aaaaand just now after typing the blurb before, I decided I was going on a break and the moment I put the computer down, I said “well that was fun” hah I like that feeling. I am happy that I feel that again. Grinning ear to ear. 10:03am.
4/18/23 11:33am – listening to “I Wanna Know” by Joe; which is one of my all time favorites and when it plays where is not stopping me from singing or lipsyncing no matter who is around. One of my all time favorites. But today I heard the lyrics differently. I felt them in regards to the divine masculine within talking to the divine fem within since I have been lightly stepping toward going full out with my expression and sharing the knowledge that is within to a higher degree. Which is why I am typing right now 11:36am
1:23pm – I was deep in painting and singing then suddenly felt let to post this post that has not been edited or organized….but whatever. I’m just going to trust because I have too much to focus on to doubt anything less. 1:25pm