4/16/22 3:56pm – Even if I’m in a down mood for whatever reason, I am still able to feel good by simply reminding myself that this feeling will pass and it’s alright to feel whatever I’m feeling. The key is not being hard on myself and receiving that love from self. Self-love is literally feeling good about self no matter what, which doesn't mean you don't have down thoughts about self at times, but in those moments, it’s acknowledging that it’s ok and just showering myself with loving words like we do for our youngersters or a loved one who is being hard on themselves…it’s that simple. It starts off and can even remain that simple. Self-love is being nice to yourself and having your own back while at the same time being honest with self. And if that means starting by writing loving messages to yourself on post-it notes and putting them all around your room as a way to help remind you to think nice thoughts about self, then go for it. That is how I started and it is something I still love doing to this day.




(Post deemed complete 9/21/22 11:43PM)

Lo Mar