2/15/22 7:17amPST Have you ever noticed that we all have the ability to think whatever thought we want in any moment? No matter the feeling of that thought…we all have the individual power to think whatever thought we want in any moment. That is power, my friends! Such incredible power lies within our mind and it is such an incredible thing to acknowledge and realize.

Have you ever noticed that our imagination is just a collection of thoughts taking place in our mind? Have you ever noticed that the words you read on a page are thoughts as well? Or that the study materials you review time and time again are thoughts that you are choosing to think repeatedly? Independent of the source or reason or reason or feeling, we are all thinking thoughts and have the ability to think any thought we choose whether we are consciously aware of that decision or not.

Have you noticed that you only have control over the thoughts you think and that thinking is an incredibly personal thing and irrelevant of all things external? Have you noticed that even if it is raining you can still think the thought that it is sunny beyond the clouds or only temporary? Have you noticed how some thoughts feel good while other thoughts feel less than good? Have you noticed that even thoughts of seemingly no interest to you can offer a feeling of relief even if just for a brief moment? Have you noticed that the when you think good feeling thoughts about yourself, you feel elated and a sense of natural bliss? Have you noticed that when you think ill thoughts about yourself or another it doesn't feel like love?

Have you noticed that one person can think one way about something and you can think differently about the same thing? Have you noticed that even if you believe a thought, it is still a thought in that moment? Have you noticed that the more you think a thought, such as a piece of study material you need to memorize or speech you plan to present that the more you repeat it the easier it is to recall it?

Have you noticed that even when you are looking at something external to you…the feelings you feel are still based on the thoughts you are thinking about it? Have you noticed the same is true when looking at yourself in the moment?

Have you noticed that it really all comes down to the thoughts we choose to entertain and focus on in any given moment? Have you noticed that is a sh*t ton of power? 11:43am EST.


Lo Mar

**Spell checked and decision to post this as is and signed 6/27/22 7:34pm PDT**

Lo Mar