on a day of a full moon lunar eclipse, Lo said “HELLLOOO” to this beautiful planet & Her loving family! Then she lived life and is still living.
The End…
Just Kidding! Well, not really…at all hah. BUT I wasssss kidding about that being the end :D Keep reading if you so desire.
*Fun Fact: That was a “Lo Solo Laughing At Her Own Joke” joke. Hashtag, you’re welcome (said with a smile & lovingly sarcastic tone of voice). And yes, I spelt out hashtag. I do what I want. Hahah I’m on a roll right now!! I just keep making myself chuckle ok hahah anywayyyyyyyyy……
ok Soooo Back to Lo’s Journey…
the SHORT Story
…that is lovingly tailoredish…
Lo graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience & Cognitive Science (emphasis in Neurobiology), as well as, a Bachelor of science in Psychology. She started her career in the behavioral health field working with individuals diagnosed with a variety of mental illnesses and those experiencing homelessness while on the path to medical school.
Lo discovered the wonders of research, deliberately started tending to her own internal garden of self-love, acknowledged the divinity of her artistic skills, realized the powerful connections between science, self-love, our true essence, life as a whole, and all that is.
AND SHE decided to create a business that allows her the utmost freedom to express and share the wonders and wisdom of who she is along the infinitely evolving journey of self-discovery.
Andddd BOOM! Here we are with Lo Mar’s Art by Lo Metoyer and at the heart of something so divinely new & fun.